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Botanical Garden

Key Publications

Article in an Academic Journal

January 25, 2025

Publication of Latest Findings

January 25, 2025

Award-Winning Paper

January 25, 2025

Publications: Publications

List of Publications

Publications: Text


  • Kumar, A., Patil, M., Kumar, P., Bhatti, R. C., Kaur, R., Sharma, N. K., & Singh, A. N. (2021). Mallotus philippensis (Lam.) Müll. Arg.: A review on its Pharmacology and Phytochemistry. Journal of Herbmed Pharmacology, 10(1), 31-50.​​

Publications: Text


  • Bu, W.-S., Gu, H.-J.,  Zhang, C., Zhang, Y., Singh, A. N., Fang, X.-M., Fan, J.,  Wang, H.-M. & Chen, F.-S. (2020). Mixed broadleaved tree species increases soil phosphorus availability but decreases the coniferous tree nutrient concentration in subtropical China. Forests, 11, 461.


  • Kaur, A., Chand, R., & Singh, A. N. (2020). Suppressibility of nutrient and water use efficiency of wheat (Triticum aestivum) under weed infestation. Annals of Plant and Soil Research, 22(2), 166-171.


  • Kaur, A., & Singh, A. N. (2020). Inter and intra specific variation in leaf functional traits under wheat-avena cultivation: An ecological assessment. Plant Archives, 20(2), 3445-3455.


  • Kumar, A., Patil, M., Kumar, P., Bhatti, R. C., Kaur, R., Sharma, N. K., & Singh, A. N. (2020). Mallotus philippensis (Lam.) Müll. Arg.: A comprehensive review on traditional uses. Ethnobiology and Conservation, 9(19), 1-44.


  • Kumar, A., Patil, M., & Singh, A. N. (2020). Siwalik, Shivalik, Shiwalik or Sivalik: Which one is an appropriate term for the foothills of Himalayas? Journal of Scientific Research, 64(1), 1-7.


  • Kumar, A., Yadav, R., Patil, M., Kumar, P., Zhang, L., Kaur, A., Sharma, S., Hussain, S., Tokas, D., & Singh, A. N. (2020). Sustainable Management of National Parks and Protected Areas for Conserving Biodiversity in India. In L. Zhang (Ed.), Advances in Forest Management under Global Change. IntechOpen.


  • Kumar, P., Kumar, A., Patil, M., Sharma, N. K., & Singh, A. N. (2020). Plant Diversity Development Under Planted Woody Species on Coal Mine Spoil in a Dry Tropical Environment, India: A Case Study. Journal of Ecological Engineering, 21(2), 228-243.


  • Kumar, V., Kaur, R., & Singh, A. N. (2020). Heavy metal concentration of Chandigarh urban soils due to urbanization in a changing environment: An ecological assessment. Ecology, Environment and Conservation, 26(November Suppl.), S41-S48.


  • Patil, M., Kumar, A., Kumar, P., Singh, A. N. (2020). Litter decomposability traits and their linkage with the cycling of nutrients in the forest ecosystems under the lens of climate change: A conceptual overview. Advances in Zoology and Botany, 8(3), 269-277.


  • Patil, M., Kumar, A., Kumar, P., Cheema, N. C., Kaur, R., Bhatti, R., & Singh, A. N. (2020) Comparative litter decomposability traits of selected native and exotic woody species from an urban environment of north-western Siwalik region, India. Scientific Reports, 10, 7888. 


  • Sharma, A., Singh, S., Kumar, P., & Singh, A. N. (2020). Evaluation of antibacterial potential of an invasive grass (Arundo donax L.) in a lower Siwalik region, India. Plant Archives, 20(2), 3580-3584.

Publications: Text


  • Sharma, P., Rohilla, D., Chaudhary, S., Kumar, R., & Singh, A. N. (2019). Nanosorbent of hydroxyapatite for atrazine: A new approach for combating agricultural runoffs. Science of the Total Environment, 653, 264–273.

Publications: Text


  • Hu, Y. L., Mgelwa, A. S., Singh, A. N., & Zeng, D. H. (2018). Differential responses of the soil nutrient status, biomass production, and nutrient uptake for three plant species to organic amendments of placer gold mine-tailing soils. Land Degradation and Development, 29, 2836–2845.


  • Kaur, R., Kaur, A., Bhatti, R. C., Nirmala, C., & Singh, A. N. (2018). Differential Responses of β-glucosidase, SOC and MBC of Degraded Soil under Various Treatments in a North-Western Arid Region, India. Applied Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 6, 99–108.

Publications: Text


  • Bhatti, R. C., Kaur, A. D., Singh, S., Mor, P. K., Kaur, R., Nirmala, C., & Singh, A. N. (2017). Harnessing of local plant species by indigenous people of Hamirpur district for ethno-veterinary purposes. Annals of Plant Sciences, 6, 1898.

  • Chand, R., Singh, A. N., & Nirmala, C. (2017). Ethnoecological survey of underutilized plant diversity of Hamirpur district, Himachal Pradesh, India: An edibility assessment. Environment and Ecology Research, 5, 1–5.

  • Kaur, A., Chand, R., & Singh, A. N. (2017). Little seed canary grass (Phalaris minor Retz.) promoting own growth functional traits but suppressing of wheat crop (Triticum aestivum L.) at vegetative stage: An ecological assessment. Annals of Plant Sciences, 6(11), 1742-1750. doi: 10.21746/aps.2017.6.11.5 

  • Singh, A. N. (2017). Spoil characteristics under five years old native woody plantations and unplanted dump in dry tropical environment, India. Annals of Plant Sciences, 6(11), 1763-1771. doi: 10.21746/aps.2017.6.11.8

  • Wan, S. Z., Gu, H. J., Yang, Q. P., Hu, X. F., Fang, X. M., Singh, A. N., & Chen, F. S. (2017). Long-term fertilization increases soil nutrient accumulations but decreases biological activity in navel orange orchards of subtropical China. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 17(9), 2346–2356. doi: 10.1007/s11368-016-1439-9

Publications: Text


  • Chand, R., Kaur, R., Kaur, A., Kumar, V., Nirmala, C., & Singh, A. N. (2016). Assessment of ethnomedicinal plant diversity of Una and Hamirpur district of Himachal Pradesh, India: An ethno-ecological approach. Annals of Plant Sciences, 5:1475. doi: â€‹10.21746/aps.2016.12.005

  • Halassy, M., Singh, A. N., Szabó, R., Szili-Kovács, T., Szitár, K., & Török, K. (2016). The application of a filter-based assembly model to develop best practices for Pannonian sand grassland restoration. Journal of Applied Ecology, 53(3), 765–773. doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.12618

Publications: Text

Before 2016

  • Yan, S., Singh, A. N., Fu, S., Liao, C., Wang, S., Li, Y., Cui, Y., Hu, L. (2012). A soil fauna index for assessing soil quality. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 47, 158–165. doi: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2011.11.014

  • Long, F.-J., Zhang, D.-G., Singh, A. N., Su, X.-J., Yan, S.-K., & Wang, S.-L. (2011). Relationship between understory vegetation and canopy stratum trees in Huitong forest region. Journal of Jishou University (Natural Sciences Edition), 32(1), 79–84.

  • Su, X.-J., Li, Y.-L., Singh, A. N., Yan, S.-K., Zhang, D.-G., & Wang, S.-L. (2011). Application of indicator species in predicting forest management effect on forest species diversity and community composition. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 22(2), 280–286.

  • Yan, S.-K., Wu, D.-X., Singh, A. N., Li, Y.-L., Wei, W.-S., Cui, Y., Wang, S.-L., Xu, G.-B. (2011). A new assessment method for the quality of ecological monitoring data: Taking CERN’s tree growth dataset as a case. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 22(4), 1067–1074.

  • Ren, H.-Y., Zhuang, D.-F., Singh, A. N., Pan, J.-J., Qiu, D.-S., & Shi, R.-H. (2009). Estimation of As and Cu contamination in agricultural soils around a mining area by reflectance spectroscopy: A case study. Pedosphere, 19(6), 719–726. doi: 10.1016/S1002-0160(09)60167-3

  • Yan, S.-K., Singh, A. N., Qiu, H.-B., Zhang, W.-D., Wang, S.-L., & Yang, C. (2009). Pitfalls of DG index in quantifying biodiversity and its intrinsic implication as a community parameter: A comment. Biodiversity Science, 17(5), 524-530. doi: 10.3724/sp.j.1003.2009.09184

  • Singh, A. N., & Zeng, D. H. (2008). Effects of indigenous woody plantations on total nutrients of mine spoil in Singrauli Coalfield, India. Journal of Forestry Research, 19(3), 199–203. doi: 10.1007/s11676-008-0034-3

  • Chen, F. S., Zeng, D. H., Zhou, B., Singh, A. N., & Fan, Z. P. (2006). Seasonal variation in soil nitrogen availability under Mongolian pine plantations at the Keerqin Sand Lands, China. Journal of Arid Environments, 67(2), 226–239. doi: 10.1016/j.jaridenv.2006.02.017

  • Chen, F.-S., Zeng, D.-H., Fan, Z.-P., Chen, G.-S., & Singh, A. N. (2006). Comparative nitrogen mineralization and its availability in certain woody plantations in Keerqin Sand Lands, China. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 26(2), 341–348.

  • Singh, A. N., & Singh, J. S. (2006). Experiments on ecological restoration of coal mine spoil using native trees in a dry tropical environment, India: A synthesis. New Forests, 31(1), 25–39. doi: 10.1007/s11056-004-6795-4

  • Singh, A. N., Zeng, D. H., & Chen, F. S. (2006). Effect of young woody plantations on carbon and nutrient accretion rates in a redeveloping soil on coalmine spoil in a dry tropical environment, India. Land Degradation and Development, 17(1), 13–21. doi: 10.1002/ldr.690

  • Chen, F.-S., Zeng, D.-H., Singh, A. N., & Chen, G.-S. (2005). Effects of soil moisture and soil depth on nitrogen mineralization process under Mongolian pine plantations in Zhanggutai sandy land, P. R. China. Journal of Forestry Research, 16(2), 101–104. doi: 10.1007/bf02857899

  • Singh, A. N., Zeng, D.-H., & Chen, F.-S. (2005). Heavy metal concentrations in redeveloping soil of mine spoil under plantations of certain native woody species in dry tropical environment, India. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 17(1), 168–174.

  • Singh, A. N., Raghubanshi, A. S., & Singh, J. S. (2004). Impact of native tree plantations on mine spoil in a dry tropical environment. Forest Ecology and Management, 187(1), 49–60. doi: 10.1016/S0378-1127(03)00309-8

  • Singh, A. N., Raghubanshi, A. S., & Singh, J. S. (2004). Comparative performance and restoration potential of two Albizia species planted on mine spoil in a dry tropical region, India. Ecological Engineering, 22(2), 123–140. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2004.04.001

  • Singh, A. N., Raghubanshi, A. S., & Singh, J. S. (2004). Survival and growth pattern of three tropical forest plantations raised on coal-mine spoils of Central India. Indian Forester, 130(4), 376–384.

  • Singh, A. N., Raghubanshi, A. S., & Singh, J. S. (2002). Plantations as a tool for mine spoil restoration. Current Science, 82(12), 1436–1441.

  • Jha, A. K., Singh, A., Singh, A. N., & Singh, J. S. (2001). Influence of mulching on plant growth performance in young plantation plots on coal mine spoil. Indian Forester, 127(7), 785–787.

  • Jha, A. K., Singh, A., Singh, A. N., & Singh, J. S. (2000). Evaluation of direct seeding of tree species as a means of revegetation of coal mine spoils. Indian Forester, 126(11), 1217–1221.​

  • Singh, A. N., & Singh, J. S. (1999). Biomass, net primary production and impact of bamboo plantation on soil redevelopment in a dry tropical region. Forest Ecology and Management, 119(1–3), 195–207. doi: 10.1016/S0378-1127(98)00523-4

  • Singh, H., Singh, S. K., Singh, A. N., & Raghubanshi, A. S. (1999). Impact of plant residue quality on the size of the microbial biomass pool and net N-mineralization. Tropical Ecology, 40(2), 313–318.

  • Jha, A. K., Singh, A., Singh, A. N., & Singh, J. S. (1999). Tree canopy development in young plantations raised on coalmine spoil affects the growth of herbaceous vegetation. Indian Forester, 125(3), 305–307.

Publications: Text
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